Purple Day

This Purple Day we asked schools, individuals, communities, and businesses to come together to join #TeamPossible and show children and young people with epilepsy that we’re on their team!

Please share your Purple Day memories by saying what you did and add your favourite photo.

Your words and image will be displayed below.

Thank you for joining #TeamPossible and making a difference for children and young people with epilepsy. 



*We may share your Purple Day memories on our social media

Share your Purple Day Memories


26 miles in 26 days

My last walk today for #Youngepilepsy and #Embridgeconsulting , what an absolute pleasure it has been to be part of #teampossible. A huge thanks to all of my family, friends and colleagues who have donated and supported me. I have walked 65.18 miles. Its not too late, to donate :-)
